One thing we love about the beautiful city of Tustin is the variety of incredible trees. When people think of California, they don't often think of "green." But anyone who has flown into John Wayne Airport probably noted all of the incredible greenery as they made their descent to the ground.
In order to maintain the look of our cities in Orange County, all of those trees and plants need to be maintained. The earth is an incredible place and self-sustaining in many ways, so people may wonder, "Why should I get my trees pruned? Why is tree health important, won't it take care of itself?"
Trees and plants are perfect, but humans are not. We consistently create chemicals, waste and emissions that are harmful to trees, and they get sick as a result. We also plant trees in neighborhoods and various places around our communities for our enjoyment, not always thinking about the long-term care involved in making sure that they stay as safe and health as possible.
And we also must remember that trees aren't growing with our homes in mind. Sometimes they can grow in directions that are perilous for our residences or commercial establishments. These are just a few reasons why proper tree pruning is important.
If you're in need of tree pruning services, why settle for anything less than the best tree trimmers around?
Call us today at (949) 264-5444.
Let's just be real for a second--trees are absolutely beautiful on their own. Most of what gets in the way of that beauty is done by human hands in some way or another. It's very difficult for an untrained tree trimmer to know where to make cuts on a tree or how to make them.
Why shouldn't you trim your own trees?
DIY tree trimmers are prone to making a number of mistakes such as cutting the branches off the tops of a tree (known as topping, which is an unacceptable practice among arborists) trimming the ends off of the branches (tipping) or cutting too many branches from one area of the tree. It can be kind of easy to get carried away when you think you're onto something, only to step back and realize that your tree suddenly has an ugly patch due to uneven trimming. It's kind of like getting a bad haircut; you won't be happy with the results, and it can take a while to "grow it back out."
There are also a number of other issues and dangers associated with trimming trees without the help of a professional, which we'll cover below, so keep reading!
At the end of the day, if you're looking for professional tree care, you're in the right place. Please call us today to schedule an appointment for a tree trimming service today.
Similarly to tree pruning, any tree trimming should be done in late fall or winter, which are the seasons when trees are dormant (unless emergency tree services are needed.) This is when the tree is least susceptible to any harm that may result from trimming. During the dormant season, the tree loses less sap when trimmed, and insects and fungus are also less likely to cause further damage to the tree. So this is the safest time to remove branches without damaging the tree. Of course, there are many different species of trees, and some may have more specific time requirements. If you want to be sure, please don't hesitate to call us. As certified arborists, we have the knowledge and experience to help you determine the best time to trim your trees.
The frequency here will depend on the plant species. However, as a general rule, you should get your trees trimmed at least once per year.
When it comes to tree trimming, "less is more." Generally, the goal is to prune only until you achieve the desired effect. No more and no less. It's never a good idea to prune more than a quarter of the crown of a tree. The crown of a tree is where most of the leaves are located. Without taking you back to 7th grade science class, the leaves supply the tree with most of its energy. So if too much is pruned too quickly, you run the risk of "starving" the tree, and fatally damaging it. So if you ever get your trees pruned and think "there's a lot less gone than I thought there would be," rest assured that it's exactly enough!
Put simply, tree trimming is for shrubs and hedges, and tree pruning is for trees and shrubs.
You'll want to have your trees trimmed if you want to ensure that they'll grow perfectly. You'll want to prune your tree or shrub to protect it.
When you prune a tree, you'll get rid of dead, loose or infected branches which will enable it to continue to grow beautifully. When you have your tree trimmed, overgrowth is removed so that the shrubs will get more light and moisture.
Not if it's done right. The main thing you need to keep in mind when trimming a tree is making sure the canopy remains in tact. The tree needs leaves to take in energy, and without those leaves, considerable damage can be done. If this continues, branches may become too weak from the stress of not getting enough nourishment. Therefore, while the trimming itself may not directly kill the tree, it may die eventually due to the stress.
Tree trimming definitely comes with risks, even for a trained and certified arborist. It's a service that is only beneficial when it is done properly. When done improperly, it does more harm than good and poses many more dangers to the trimmer. If someone without the proper training were to attempt to trim their trees, they risk property damage, harm to themselves, a displeasing aesthetic, diseased branches, and weakening trees. It is always best to leave tree trimming to a professional. If you are in need of tree trimming services, please contact us today and we would be happy to assist you in safely making your property beautiful.
We'll say this until we're blue in the face: Safety is our top priority.
For some reason, tree trimming is a task that many people feel they can handle on their own. However, tree trimming may be easy in many ways, but it is not simple. There is a lot that goes on beneath the surface that needs to be taken into account when trimming is taking place.
Personal Damage
This is hands down our biggest concern. The potential for personal damage for an inexperienced tree trimmer is extremely high. That's why it's a job best left to your professional tree trimmers in Tustin, CA. When you choose to work with Orange County Tree Care Company, our tree technicians and arborists will take great care to work both safely and quickly when we trim trees on your property. Falling branches resulting from a lack of branch security beforehand, or accidental injuries from tools such as chainsaws are very common reasons that people get seriously hurt while attempting to do their own tree trimming. We get it, sometimes paying for another service to be done around your property isn't all that appealing. But for the safety of all of our neighbors in Orange County, we would be happy to get the job done right for you. Please call us today at (949) 264-5444 to schedule a service.
Property Damage
Oh, if only we could tell you all of the stories we've heard over the years. When it comes to this topic, you won't be surprised to find out that very few (if any) have happy endings. While some of the effects of improper tree trimming may not be obvious for weeks or months, property damage is an immediate concern. Large branches may fall onto your property or someone else's. Even branches that don't seem very big, when falling from any sort of height, they can cause extreme damage.
Weakened Trees
This is a surprising one for most people. Improper tree trimming can sometimes cause the inner wood of the tree to become less dense or even die, while the outer bark continues to look normal. The concerning thing about this is, unless examined by a professional, homeowners or property managers may not recognize a weak tree when it appears fine on the outside. But a weak tree is a dangerous tree. Especially in an area like Orange County where we often experience the strong Santa Ana winds, weakened trees are more prone to falling during certain weather conditions, posing obvious hazards.
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17274 Nisson Rd, Tustin, CA 92780
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